"Charlie smiled nervously and sat down on the edge of the bed. He was holding his present, his only present, very carefully in his two hands. WONKA'S WHIPPLE-SCRUMPTIOUS FUDGEMALLOW DELIGHT, it said on the wrapper."..."Charlie looked down at the bar of chocolate. He ran his fingers slowly back and forth along the length of it, stroking it lovingly, and the shiny paper wrapper made little sharp crackly noises in the quiet room"

"Very slowly, Charlie's fingers began to tear open one small corner of the wrapping paper"..."Then suddenly, as though he couldn't bear the suspense any longer, Charlie tore the wrapper right down the middle...and onto his lap, there fell...a light-brown creamy-coloured bar of chocolate."

Well. Having read the book, there's no doubt that Wonka chocolate does promise a lot. However, you also have to remember it's Nestlé, and a film tie-in foodstuff.
And that's exactly what it is. This chocolate bar is really nothing more than a promo offering. Don't be tempted by the delicious sounding name. The fudge is only a tiny piece in each tiny block, with the rest being taken up by some generic creamy filling that could be found anywhere. In short, I feel a little let down by this supposed creation of one of the fictional world's best chocolate makers. Chuck me a CDM any day.
Hi Eleanor
I do like your site!
mmmm chocolate! I have had the biggest craving, mmm chocolate croissant for breakfast perhaps?
Szia béka!
Film-branded chocolate, probably the world's greatest ever rip-off...
At least there is enough decent chocolate out there to save us.
Too bad it is so small. The one in the movie is alot bigger.
Where did you buy this?
Hey I've been trying to find the Wonka bar everywhere, and i don't mean just that Wonka bar that they sell with the graham cracker pieces, i mean the real deal haha ..you know Wonka's Whipplescrumtious fudgemallow delight , and i was just wondering if you could please tell me where you got yours? you can email me at anna5151@gmail.com
I would truly appreciate it!
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